Racks & Stands

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Racks & Stands

Fisher Clamp

These Clamps are moulded in Polypropylene making it completely corrosion-proof. The spring loaded jack in the middle provides a vice like grip to the burette and prevents it from slipping. Two tapered wedges are provided to ensure firm grip on rods having dia 1/2" or 3/8".

Code Particulars Packing
45101 Fisher Clamp - Single 12 Pcs
45102 Fisher Clamp - Double 6 Pcs

Flask Stand

Moulded in Polypropylene, this flask stand gives a stair-like top view. Every step provides excellent support to the round bottom flask at every point of contact. This flask stand can hold round bottom flasks up to 10 Ltr. Capacity. This stackable flask stand can also be steam autoclaved.

Code Particulars Packing
45105 Flask Stand 6 Pcs

Retort Stand

These non-corrosive, moulded retort stands provide excellent replacement for the metal ones. Even the metallic rod has a polypropylene covering making it non-corrosive. The rod measuring 12.5 mm X 750 mm can be screwed into the heavy base giving way to a perfectly stable retort stand.

Code Particulars Packing
54101 225x150 mm-Side Hole 1 Pc
54102 300 x 200 mm-Centre Hole 1 Pc
54103 300x200 mm-Side Hole 1 Pc

Rack For Scintillation Vial

These Racks for scintillation Vials, moulded in Polypropylene, are autoclavable & corrosion resistant. There is an individual rack for both 8 ml. & 20 ml. vials. These rugged & stable racks can hold scintillation vials for convenient storage, handling & sample preparations.

Code Particulars Packing
65101 Rack for 90 vials of 8 ml. capacity 2 Pcs
65102 Rack for 50 vials of 20 ml. capacity 2 Pcs

Rack For Petri Dishes

These Racks are clear acrylic construction with polycarbonate posts. 69101 has a capacity to hold 60 petri dishes of 90 mm size while in 69102 one can hold 56 petri dishes of 60mm. These racks are very useful during inoculation, incubation & Storage. Visibility from all sides enables the culture to be seen & checked during incubation.

Code Particulars Packing
69101 Rack for 90 mm Petri Dishes 2 Pcs
69102 Rack for 60 mm Petri Dishes 2 Pcs

Universal Multi Rack

This rack is an excellent lab apparatus compatible with different sizes of tubes. Four sides of this rack can be used for tubes of φ30mm, φ20mm, φ17mm & φ12mm.

Code Particulars Packing
76001 Multi Rack 6 Pcs

Nestler Cylinder Stand

This stand, as the name suggests, is used for keeping nestler cylinders. Made of polypropylene, this stand is available in two sizes, one for 50ml nestler cylinder & other for 100ml. nestler cylinder.

Code Particulars Packing
76101 50 ml 6 Pcs
76102 100 ml 6 Pcs

Test Tube Stand

This autoclavable stand is perhaps the most commonly used test tube stand in various laboratories. For better visibility, this 6 place rack is end supported by 2 columns. The top plate has 2 holes for holding 25 mm dia test tubes, four holes to hold 16 mm dia tubes where as the base has corresponding hemispherical wells. It also has six vertical pins for drying tubes. Another option available in this section is a test tube stand in which all the holes in the top plates can hold 25 mm dia tubes.

Code Particulars Packing
77701 16 mm & 25 mm φ Tubes 12 Pcs
77702 25 mm φ Tubes 12 Pcs

Test Tube Stand (Round)

A handy, little, space saver, this circular twelve place polypropylene test tube stand has four 25 mm dia holes & eight 19 mm dia holes in its top plate. The base has matching hemispherical wells & 16 vetical pins for drying tubes surrounded by a trough to catch drippings. This autoclavable rack can be easily disassembled for cleaning purpose.

Code Particulars Packing
77704 19 mm & 25 mm φ Tubes 2 Pcs

Rack For Micro Centrifuge Tubes

Moulded in Polycarbonate, these autoclavable racks are made for holding 1.5 ml. Micro centrifuge tubes. These racks have a unique stacking feature which prevents movement in any direction. The holes are numbered & lettered for easy indentification.

Code Particulars Packing
77705 24 Tubes 4 Pcs
77705 A 48 Tubes 4 Pcs

Test Tube Stand (3tier)

Moulded in Polycarbonate, these autoclavable racks are made for holding 1.5 ml. Micro centrifuge tubes. These racks have a unique stacking feature which prevents movement in any direction. The holes are numbered & lettered for easy indentification.

Code Particulars Packing
77705 24 Tubes 4 Pcs
77705 A 48 Tubes 4 Pcs

Test Tube Peg Rack

These racks can conveniently hold inverted tubes for drying purpose and minimizes collection of airborne contaminants inside the tube. This rack can also be used to hold and dry electrophoresis and chromatography plates.

Code Particulars Packing
77851 96 Places for 13 mm Tubes 6 Pcs
77852 50 Places for 16 mm Tubes 6 Pcs

Test Tube Stand(Wire Pattern)

An economical substitute for wire racks, here are these submersible, autoclabable racks which are stackable when empty. These are available in different colors and are made of a special blend of polypropylene that makes it sink in a water bath and maintain their stability even in agitated water. These space saving racks can easily be disassembled for cleaning purposes. The base is in the form of a grid with square openings and has fold up sides and end bars that lock into rack tops.

Code Particulars Packing
77901 13 mm X 90 Tubes 6 Pcs
77902 16 mm X 60 Tubes 6 Pcs
77903 20 mm X 40 Tubes 6 Pcs
77904 25 mm X 24 Tubes 6 Pcs
77905 30 mm X 21 Tubes 6 Pcs

Test Tube Stand (Wirepattern-Fix)

These are one piece molded racks and have a three tier grid design. They have good chemical and thermal resistance.

Code Particulars Packing
77906 13 mm X 36 Tubes 4 Pcs
77907 16 mm X 36 Tubes 4 Pcs

Draining Rack

Polylab Draining Rack provides an excellent option for post wash draining of tubes & bottles in the laboratory. The back plate has 20 holes into which pegs are tightened with the help of screw-nuts. Bottom of the rack is provided with a tray which collects all the waste water drained down which can further be collected in a container via drain tube. This rack does not rot, stain or rust.

Code Particulars Packing
81741 Draining Rack 1 Pc