CHG Based Hand Rub

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CHG Based Hand Rub

MICROSHIELD® Handrub Solution

MICROSHIELD® Handrub Solution is used undiluted to rapidly disinfect the hands. It is compliant with EN15001 and has broad spectrum and fast activity against Gram positive, Gram negative and antibiotic resistant bacteria (including MRSA, VRE, spore forming organisms and food borne pathogens), yeast, fungi and viruses (including HIV-1, Herpes Simplex and Influenza, type A)2

  • Kills bacteria without water
  • Broad spectrum and persistent antimicrobial and antibacterial activity
  • Enriched with emollient and moisturiser

Desderman TM CHG

Alcohol-Based Hand Rub, Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial

  • Kills bacteria without water
  • Broad spectrum and persistent antimicrobial and antibacterial activity
  • Enriched with emollient and moisturizer
  • Excellent residual & cumulative effects
  • Excellent rapid activity
  • Good skin tolerance
  • Excellent activity in the presence of organic load